Minecraft Coming to Schools?

I’ve never played Minecraft. In fact, I’ve never even seen anyone playing it, but when I saw this headline I knew that there would be a certain group of the student population that would be pumped up.

Every quarter in blogging I have several students who love blogging about Minecraft. I’ve tried to figure out what it is through these blogs, but maybe I need to play it. I guess if it truly did come to schools like the article says it might, then maybe it will be a part of my curriculum.

It seems like a good game for people to exercise creativity with. I think that it involves architecture, so that’s pretty sweet. To be honest, I think I would really love playing a game like this, but I also think I might get addicted. I don’t play a lot of video games, but every now and then I get into one and then my wife has to tell me stop. I used to play this really dumb game in college called Bubblet (can’t make this up), where you had to line up bubbles of the same color and pop them. It was ridiculous, and I played all of the time. I missed a class one time because I was on a Bubblet tear, and that’s the moment I realized I needed to stop. This is my worry with what might happen if I start playing Minecraft.

Who has played Minecraft out there?

Photo by Albin Olsson via Wikimedia Commons
Photo by Albin Olsson via Wikimedia Commons



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