100K Jobs

According the the Alaskan salary list from yesterday, there are 37 jobs in the state of Alaska that have an average salary of at least $100,000. This is a lot of money. After my initial look at the list, I think that 36 of the 37 require a minimum of a 4 year college degree. The one exception is air traffic controller, which is a specialized skill and you can get trained at a 2 year program. I’ve heard it is a stressful job, but that there is a need for people who are willing to do it and are trained in it. I can’t imagine the stress of trying to make sure that the patterns of the planes doesn’t set them on a course to collide. I guess that’s why they are willing to pay for it. I think that most of the highest paying jobs probably come with a lot of stress. I ‘m not sure if it would be worth it. I would take less money to have low levels of stress in my life.

Spending your day in the tower would be a trip [Photo via Wikimedia Commons]
Spending your day in the tower would be a trip [Photo via Wikimedia Commons]

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