Trump & Refugees

After reading the article on Student News Daily called “Trump, Refugees, and the Truth” I wanted to know what the students in my class thought about all of this. It obviously is a highly debated topic, and it will probably make its way to the Supreme Court. What are your thoughts on the Executive Order?

It’s a brand new week, and we will operate just like last week:

  1. 3 blog posts – 150 words with picture and attribution
  2. 5 comments on other blogs
A refugee camp for people from Darfur, Sudan in Chad [Photo by Mark Knobil via Wikimedia Commons]

4 comments on “Trump & RefugeesAdd yours →

  1. Mr.Forbes
    I don’t care much,If it keeps Americans safe from bad groups from those countries I’m ok with that,even tho I don’t like that the people that come from there to work here tho.
    Billy Mueller

    1. Billy,

      Thanks for the comment. I want to clarify on your comment: when you say that you don’t like the people that come from there to work “here,” do you mean Alaska or the United States?

    1. Oakland,

      The reasoning that has been given is that the President would like to review the process for allowing people in to the country. He wants to spend time examining the current system. Many people would argue that we already have a pretty thorough system in place before people are allowed in.

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